Hard to give it up!
The wine that is. Like many women of my age I know very well that I drink too much. Its become a nightly ritual - finish work, head for the kitchen to start cooking and out comes the bottle - well I deserve it don't I? Hard day at the coal face, lots of stress and now to relax I deserve that crisp glass to ease me into the evening. I listen to the guidelines being trotted out - 14 units a week max - and actually even thats really too much. Recently, after examining my weight and waist line and wondering why, after 3 yoga classes a week and lots of swimming, nothing was shifting on the scales I decided to address the drink issue. I summoned up the guidelines on my tablet and got out the measuring vessels. It was as I thought - I have been in denial for a long time and while I still don't consider that I have a problem I realised that the fact I was regularly drinking close to or sometimes over the recommended amount I should stop. In the past I have giv...