
Showing posts from May, 2017

Hard to give it up!

The wine that is.  Like many women of my age I know very well that I drink too much.  Its become a nightly ritual - finish work, head for the kitchen to start cooking and out comes the bottle - well I deserve it don't I?  Hard day at the coal face, lots of stress and now to relax I deserve that crisp glass to ease me into the evening. I listen to the guidelines being trotted out - 14 units a week max - and actually even thats really too much. Recently, after examining my weight and waist line and wondering why, after 3 yoga classes a week and lots of swimming, nothing was shifting on the scales I decided to address the drink issue.  I summoned up the guidelines on my tablet and got out the measuring vessels.  It was as I thought - I have been in denial for a long time and while I still don't consider that I have a problem I realised that the fact I was regularly drinking close to or sometimes over the recommended amount I should stop. In the past I have giv...

Alzheimers Research sponsored ride. Training begins - sort of!

Well we don't really have any excuse not to get on with it - exercise that is.  It has never come naturally to either of us - exercise for the sake of it,  but we have committed ourselves to ride with the Alzheimer's Research team on the Prudential Ride London at the end of July.  While 46 miles isn't really a terrifying distance, it would be better to do it in some style and comfort and arrive at the end looking cool and fit. Today we went for a quick spin around the block - about 11 k - Kent is  very hilly so it took about half an hour.  I think this will be our default route when we havn't got more time - its pretty quiet on the car front and very beautiful.  I admit I did have to stop half way up Cowden Lane to catch my breath -  but hopefully in a week or so I will be able to report shorter times and no stopping. So the main reason for doing this is to get into a fitness habit which we can continue for the foreseeable future - My gorgeous Ri...